For the latest information from our chapter, please read our newsletter linked HERE and below.

ERP Webinar Resources (9/12/2023)
Webinar panel discussion Recording
StL Chapter Research: What do our members have to say about their ERP solutions?
Panelists and Webinar Team: Learn more about panelists and contributors.
Contact the Chapter Office for panelists’ emails.
ERP Resources from NTMA National Associate Members
—ERP Buyers Guide, Top 9 Mistakes When Buying an ERP System, and Proship Lean Setup Process (3 resources from ProShop). NTMA members’ ProShop contact: Paul Van Metre (360.515.7576)
—10 Things Great Manufacturers Won’t Do and Buying ERP Software (2 resources from Global Shop Solutions). NTMA members’ GSS contact: Laurie Hake or Hilary Parchman (800.364.5958)